Sunday, August 8, 2010

Tales from the Bard

I have this awesome collection of a bunch of Shakespeare's plays in a 1950's Pelican Shakespeare edition that I received from my Grammy when my grandparents were moving two years ago.  When I moved to Brooklyn, they came along with me, and I use them all the time for reference, some fun reading, or when I want to find a new monologue.  Not that I don't have a Complete Works of William Shakespeare, I do, but lugging around that beast of a volume is ridiculous if I own the individual copy of the play.  So, these get lots of love.  And they are rather pretty too!  I love the cover art so much.


  1. Thanks! Me too. Even though they are kind of old and brittle, I read them all of the time. I spilled tea on one of them once, and I just about died.
