Thursday, August 5, 2010

Return to Ongweoweh

It sounds like the title for a teen fantasy novel, with a full story about how a young girl travels to a faraway land populated by magical and grotesque creatures, but really, it was the writing on a crate sitting in a trash pile in Greenwich Village.  I'm just wondering what it actually means, if Ongweoweh is a town, or if that's a misspelling- in any case, the crate was sitting in the trash, so unless Ongweoweh is a garbage compactor... it probably will not be returned there.

Manhattan, New York City, New York, USA

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1 comment:

  1. Ongweoweh is a Native American-owned (hence the name) business that provides pallet sourcing, implementation, and management services to many large international companies. It is one of the leading companies in the in the industry. Sorry to demystify this.
