Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Cha Togar M' Fhearg Gun Dìoladh

Cha Togar M' Fhearg Gun Dìoladh (Gaelic)
Nemo me impune lacesset (Latin)
Wha daur meddle wi' me (Scots)
No one attacks me with impunity
This is the motto of the Scottish Order of the Thistle, the Scottish chivalric order.  This particular painting was in Edinburgh Castle, in the private chambers that once belonged to Mary, Queen of Scots, in a time when Gaelic, Scots, and English would have been spoken.  Latin was still considered to be a language of old orders, and of oaths.  French would actually have been spoken in this castle as well.  In any case, I love the unicorns, I love the phrase, I love the painting, and I love Scotland.
Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom

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