Thursday, June 7, 2012


Danny, Ginny and I spent an afternoon at The Prospect Park Zoo a few weeks ago.

It was rad.  What a great little zoo.  I live less than a twenty minute walk away, and I had never been before.  That was foolish!  Foolish, I tell you!  For many reasons, the main one being- dingoes.  OMG DINGOES.  They are maybe the cutest animals in ever.  The most adorable creatures that have ever existed.  Their pleasant smiles, playful attitudes, and ability to interact with the viewers on the other side of the fence made them incredibly fun to watch, while the knowledge that they are actually ruthless killers increased the intrigue. 

When I'm reincarnated, I would like to come back as a dingo.  I'd consider that an achievement of epic proportions.

The other animals were cool too.  There was a sea lion show, and this thing where you could pop up like a ground hog.  Also, the nocturnal animals were very entertaining, but the room was so dark that there was no way I could photograph it.

Enjoy these pictures of aminals including this one of a SUPER HAPPY DINGO.

Brooklyn, New York City, New York, USA

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