Tuesday, October 4, 2011

West Village Windows

The West Village is an amazing place, filled with the old architecture and cobblestone streets of the old world New York City and the new shiny nightclubs, fancy bars and glitzy designer boutiques I associate more with the Upper East Side. Grunge, new trends and buildings that look like something out of a European fairytale combine to create something magical.  At night, some streets are beautifully lit by the strobe lights flashing out of the bars, some are illuminated by tiny Christmas lights or candles outside of the classy restaurants, and quite a few are almost pitch black, with a faint light coming from a third story apartment window, perhaps. 
But these windows are those of the very upscale boutiques and design stores I mentioned earlier.  The sun was extremely bright on the day that I took this walk, and the light reflected off of the windows, which made everything glow.  I wearing sunglasses, and was a bit blind from time to time, but it was gorgeous.  I mean, I might have tripped over a cobblestone and almost been hit by a passing towncar, but no biggie.  That's New York City life for you. 

In any case, these glowing windows filled with their luxurious goods just struck me as gorgeous.  All of these items probably cost about as much as my weekly paychecks, which is disgusting in some ways, but in these windows, this stuff looked amazing.  I loved looking at it, and I adored photographing it.

Now, I'm enjoying sharing it with you!

Manhattan, New York City, New York, USA

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