Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Easy Freezy Fridgey Weezy

People say that the bumper stickers, decals, etc on your car say a lot about you, as a person.  

I don't own a car.  So I'm going to use my fridge for that instead.  Our fridge is littered with magnets, art, quotes, cards, postcards and such that we've collected.  We haven't even put out all of our Shakespearean language magnets yet, you know, those "poetry" ones that are each a different word.  They seem as if they are designed so that one can write, well, poetry with them, but we all know... they are actually meant for writing the dirtiest possible sayings you can come up with using the available words.  And Lord knows, in the Shakespearean set, there are a lot.  I've been wanting to get a ghetto slang set to accompany the Shakespeare one, because hell, who doesn't want a fridge that says "thous hast uh weezy bosom thou wicked varlet wiv uh seemly swagga?"  

Anyway, enjoy some Admiral Akbar, Soup Nazi, painted, photographed, postcarded goodness.

Brooklyn, New York City, New York, USA

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