Tuesday, October 11, 2011

It's the Little Things You Do Together

There's this song in the musical "Company" that might be the catchiest thing ever.  Stay with me- I know I'm talking about a musical.  But I'm also talking about Elaine Stritch, and the revival of it where the actress played the triangle... and mostly, I'm talking about those tiny moments in life that make everything worth it.  That laugh with a friend, sibling, parent, significant other, cousin, puppy, whatever.  Those seconds of your day of pure, unadulterated joy.  They are fleeting, and they are wonderful.  Those moments you capture in your brain and keep with you.  The feeling of his hand on yours.  The smell of a rose.  The taste of a particularly well-made meal, or your first meal in hours, or even days.  The cool feeling of a glass of water or a shower after a hot work out, or a sweaty day outside in the heat at work.  Those moments.

Those moments you cherish.  Love them.  Honor them.  Make more of them.
It's those little things that make your world beautiful.  Then, they make the whole world beautiful.

Here are a few captured moments of Danny and I having a silly, fun moment while visiting my family at the beach this summer.  They were taken with my phone in a moderately dark room, so they aren't good quality.  They aren't the most attractive photographs of either one of us, as a matter of fact we look pretty distinctly unattractive in a few.  But, they make me happier than the most photoshopped, angled, styled photo of myself I've seen, because I know what was happening.  We both look joyful, full of an unquestioning felicity that swells my heart every time I look back at them.  

I love this man.

Beach Haven, New Jersey, USA

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