Saturday, October 8, 2011

Floral Hope and Light

I posted a little bit last week about the Highline, a new park in New York City built on a raised train platform that runs for about twenty blocks through the west side of Manhattan. In that post (here's the post) I gave a short, mostly-accurate story of the park, and described how desperately cool the place is. It's insanely cool. I also shared a bunch of photographs of the park, people in the park, the surrounding skyline, and views of the street a few stories below. That post ended up being about the length I wanted, and then, I noticed I still had more photographs of the park. It took me about another week to compile them in a moderately creative way, acquire enough internet connectivity for a long enough amount of time to finish this piece, and get it posted. Now, it's here. Whee.

So, I noticed that most of these accidentally forgotten photographs were of the flowers and other fauna of the Highline. I'm a sucker for flowers. I'm a girl, and I love them. Roses make me swoon. It's October, not prime flower season in New York City by any stretch of the imagination, and half of the photographs I've been taking lately seem to be of flowers. This borders on almost a kind of obsession, it seems. But, damnit, they are just so pretty. They are gorgeous. Flowers are natural, beautiful reminders that there are powers, influences, gods, what have you, that shine happiness and light on the world despite all of the darkness. They amaze me every day with their hope. Every flower I see makes me think about all of the lovely moments in my day, and my life.

Call me Candide, but I've become a crazy optimist lately. I mentioned this in my post yesterday, but the world is WONDERFUL. My life is going well, the lives of everyone I know are going well. Change is occurring, and change is fabulous. The world is moving forward. Isn't that the point? I like logic, facts, and good points. Like these ones- there is less war than every before. There is so much less poverty than at many points in history. In this country, the public is starting to make itself generally better informed, and is stepping up to take a more active role in politics. The cool air of the weather change is refreshing. Flowers are pretty. Food is delicious. I love my job. Some people are rude, but for every single asshole I meet during a day who doesn't want to let me on the train, or cuts in front of me in line at the deli, or almost runs me over with his bike while I cross the street for which I clearly have the green light, there are hundreds more people that I encounter every day who did not do that.

People are nice, and people are good. Some people aren't, but most people are! It's so exciting and uplifting. I have such wonderful feelings about this world. We are all so lucky to be alive!

They're so pretty. Even the dead one.

Manhattan, New York City, New York, USA

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