Thursday, November 25, 2010

Pinecones and Fuzzies

The colors of fall.  So pretty, so serene.  I'm

These are some photos I've had lying around on my hard drive for forever, so I thought I'd finally share them with all of you!
I'm back in Beach Haven now, working on a Christmas musical!  It feels so great to be singing and acting again.  The holiday spirit has become ingrained in my soul.  

It's marvelous :)

Speaking of which... Happy Thanksgiving to all of my fellow 'Muricans!

Beach Haven, New Jersey, USA
Enhanced by Zemanta


  1. I love the one with the two pinecones, in focus, on the ground (it's the 5th from the top). Kathy Brennan

  2. Thanks! That one is my favourite too.

    Hope your Thanksgiving was splendid!
