Saturday, November 20, 2010

Happy Belated Halloween!

Halloween in the Village.
It's pretty much the coolest thing ever.

Daniel Garrison as Dr. McNinja
Robert New as Rick Decker (from Bladerunner)
Emily Grace Buck as Sailor Moon
That guy from Assassin's Creed
A Flash Mob (Get it?)
Lots of Skeletons from the Dia des los Muertos Parade
Alien Invaders
Metrocard Man
and some delicious Unagi Chazuke

Manhattan, New York City, New York, USA

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  1. That looks awesome! I wish we could celebrate Halloween here, in the Netherlands. Xx!

  2. It was REALLY fun. Sorry about the crazy capitals... I got excited thinking about it.

    But, yeah. New York does Halloween really well. I didn't realize The Netherlands didn't do it at all! I know that the UK and France have started to do some festivities that day... well... you could always have a party with your friends to celebrate! Everyone likes an excuse to wear a costume and eat lots of candy :)

    Thank you so much for visiting my blog! I hope you come back again!
