Sunday, July 25, 2010

Morbid Perch

So, I was walking past Trinity Church in the Financial District, and I saw a pidgeon perched right on top of a gravestone.  My camera was out in a flash as I started to snap away at the bird.  Another pidgeon looked at the first, and stood on top of the adjacent double gravestone.  I was ecstatic!  What a neat happenstance.  Then, a third joined in.  The pidgeons were tilting their heads around as they noticed that some tourists had joined in the fun.  It's as if they were posing for us.

Manhattan, New York City, New York, USA

Like this?  Take a look at some much more intimate pidgeons in Lovebirds.


  1. such great photo :) looks like they are posing!

  2. Yeah I agree with Barbara... it looks like awesome. thanks for sharing this wonderful photo.

  3. Thank you so much, both of you!
