Tuesday, March 1, 2011

A Bridge Is a Transitionary Device

"A portal is a transitionary device of sight or sound that functions as a sort of third gravitating body between the this and the that, pulling us toward itself, allowing us to bridge into the unknown from the known."
-Roy H. Williams

This bridge is one from the known to the unknown for certain.  For, it goes from Manhattan... to ...Brooklyn.  
Ruh roh.

It's funny- Brooklyn is fine.  I love it.  But sometimes when I mention to people that I live in Brooklyn, I get that look, the look that asks me why?   People sometimes seem to wonder why on earth I would ever want to do that to myself. I mean, I went to college in Manhattan, and obviously would have found that it was superior, so why would I leave?  Why would I want to live a forty minute subway ride away from the East Village instead of a ten minute walk?  Or, a walk right outside my doorstep?  What could I possibly see in a world that isn't Manhattan? 

Sometimes, when this happens, I feel kinship with Steve from Sex and the City.  For those of you who watched the show, you know what I mean.  For those of you who didn't- Steve is Miranda's boyfriend, and he lives in Brooklyn, and works as a bartender.  For her upper class friends who all have "real" jobs and live in, for example, the West Village (Carrie), this is pretty much remarkable.  She is quoted once as saying, "Brooklyn?!?  Cabs don't go there!"  I mean, they do.  Cabs totally go here.  I've done it.  

Then, I also get the people who look on me as some sort of progressive demi-god because I've moved to Brooklyn, like I am a ringleader in the counterculture resistance.  They respond with excited, bright eyes, looking to me as a sort of hipster paragon.  I am nothing of the sort, in all honesty.   I display some traits, but I don't really associate myself with that movement, as I've stated on here many times.  

I've had people respond to me with statements like "Wow, Brooklyn!  I've really got to move over there".  

... You know why I moved to Brooklyn?  Two reasons.  
1. It's a lot cheaper than Manhattan, and 2. My boyfriend lived here.  

I have an apartment that costs wayyyy less than most of its type in Manhattan, and live in a nice little suburban feeling neighborhood, less than ten blocks away from a giant park.  Yes, it takes me forty minutes to commute into midtown, but I live in an area with all buildings less than seven stories high, and lots of houses.  There's lots to do here.  I found my favourite Mexican food place in the city just a couple blocks from my apartment (it's called Flatbush Latin Grill, and it basically makes me drool).  But, yeah.  Definitely didn't move here to be/ look cool.  Moved here because it's cheaper and feels more like a neighborhood than a concrete jungle.  I love it.

Anyways... I should probably get off my soapbox now. 

Have some photos!

But, in conclusion- Brooklyn is great.  Some neighborhoods are better than others, but it's great.  The one I live in is fantastic.  You can indeed get cabs here.  They will even take you here from Manhattan.  Brooklyn is generally cheaper, and just living here does not make you cool.  It just makes you thrifty :)

Unless, of course, thrifty is your version of cool.  Which makes you pretty nifty!

The images in this post are some photographs of the Manhattan Bridge, one of the three that one can walk, or drive, train, bike or cab(!), over to get from Manhattan to Brooklyn. I walked it, and I took these photographs.  They're from the same day as Hipsters on a Roof and A View From the Bridge.

 Manhattan and Brooklyn, New York City, New York, USA
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