Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Zoom In, Feel the Beat

It might be kind of obvious, but I love wall art.  Murals, graffiti, frescos, you name it.  But really, I like urban art.  It makes me feel the beat of the city, in a weird way, like a DJ is spinning an mmphz mmphz into my heart.  You can feel it pounding in your chest sometimes- the subway running beneath you, the cars whizzing by, the street musician down the block, the planes overhead.  The sirens a few streets away.  It all mixes together in a beautiful music that completes itself into an experience with the life and soul of the people.  That might sound totally ridiculous, but that's how it feels to me.  I see people I know nothing about, and take in how they look, how they portray themselves, and put it in context of the place I see them.  Urban art helps with that so much, especially when it's brightly colored and specific.  There's so much life there, so much defiance.

So, for this set of photographs, I zoomed in on some grafitti.  These are details- you probably won't be able to see the words.  I wanted to capture the feeling of the expression, how the spray paint looks on the pavement, not the overall picture.  I'm rather happy with how they turned out.  I know that glorifying street art and urban-ness, and showing colors and lines and such can come off a bit pretentious, but that really isn't what I am going for here. The colours and patterns move me, they really do.  

I hope they move you too...  or that you at least find them kind of nifty. 
...mmphz mmphz...


All photographs taken on the Manhattan Bridge
New York City, New York, USA
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