Thursday, December 2, 2010

Longwood Gardens Part 1

Longwood Gardens is a stunning former Dupont family estate in Kennett Square, Pennsylvania, not too far away from where I grew up.  There are acres upon acres of pruned outdoor gardens, stunning indoor conservatories, fields, fountains, and pruned fruit and vegetable gardens.
They also feature some special exhibits- there is one permanent installation about the gorgeous organ in the conservatory ballroom.  A temporary exhibition while I was there was about perfumes. It told how different scents are extracted from flowers and mixed together.
The indoor conservatories really are spectacular.
This flower (below) was one of my particular favourites.  My favourite colour has changed probably 75 times over the years.  When I was really little it was green, then purple, then burgundy, then red, then black... lately I've really been liking baby blue.  I don't know why.  There's something inherently pleasant about it.
Here... have some more lovely flowers!
More to come on Saturday :)

Kennett Square, Pennsylvania, USA

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