Sunday, December 19, 2010

Expensive Windows

I love antique stores. I like how they look, how they smell.  All dusty and musty and such.  They make me happy.  But, the ones in New York are so high class, that they are just expensive.  Really, really expensive.  I have no idea if they actually have superior quality antiques, or if they just are able to sell them at high prices because of their location.  New York is definitely an antique mecca.  
 I went to New York University, and my freshman year, I lived in a dorm on 10th and Broadway in Manhattan.  The surrounding blocks were full of dingy little shops that could only be accessed with an appointment and a doorbell.  
Sometimes, for acting inspiration, I would just stand and stare at the wares in the windows.  Those were the antique shops in the village. 
The antique store where these photos were taken is located in... Midtown.  That mini-city populated by mostly tourists, who assume that New Yorkers are rude and everything will be insanely pricey.  This antique store was wayyy too polished for my taste.  Everything was... shiny.  It wasn't smelly.  But, I was able to get a few cool photographs!

Manhattan, New York City, New York, USA
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1 comment:

  1. My mother used to have loads of these Japanese / Chinese ivory figures! I don't think they are very expensive.

    I know what you mean about NYers having a bad reputation. This more or less happens in every tourist place in the world. Or in every very large city. My experience of both London and Paris, is that the people who are not very nice typically come from the suburbs or the province (and find that a large city is too much for them: hence they turn aggressive) or/and work in a job for the tourists. Locals or people in offices seem to be less of an issue.

    I might be entirely wrong, obviously.
