Friday, December 17, 2010

Inspiration Fridays: Ballet

I am a dancer.  
I have been saying that I used to be a dancer... I stopped, basically, when I got to college because I was focusing on other things, and was hurt.
 But working on this show has convinced me that I need to begin taking classes again as soon as possible.  It's a part of me, it's who I am.
I love dance.  It feels like breathing.
That gorgeous moment of lift when you hit a perfect pose in your pointe shoes- there is nothing like it in the world.  Freedom.  The lights are on you, you look beautiful, and you have risen above the clouds.
Ballet feels like pure ecstasy.  Nothing I have ever pursued; acting, singing, photography, nothing has ever made me as happy as I am when I do ballet.   If I thought I could have made a career of it, I would have done so in a heartbeat.  I still would.  But, I'm nowhere near good enough.  And I am definitely nowhere near skinny enough.
Not that there aren't difficult moments- sometimes I have wanted to throw my shoes across the room.  However, I've come to the conclustion that the good outweigh the bad.  I love ballet.  I love dance.
I want to say that I am a dancer again, but in my heart, I never stopped dancing.

It doesn't just inspire me- it defines me.

All photos lovinly ripped from Google Images.
Paintings by Edgar Degas.
Enhanced by Zemanta


  1. Don't just talk about it - do it!

  2. Amazing post! I know what you feel. I think nobody else than ballet dancers cannot know the feeling that pure dance gives. I love the stage, the smell of my ballet studio, I love the barre and the feeling after a rough practice. Wonderful!
    Everyone has those moments when nothing turns out well and you want to stop dancing, because it's harsh and painful, but the beauty of it is irresplaceable.

    I hope you're doing great,
