Wednesday, December 1, 2010

A Reading Romp

 No, not Reading like a book.
 Reading, Pennsylvania!
Get it?  You're reading... at a library... in Reading...
And here we have probably the most fabulous play on Alice in Wonderland that I have ever seen.  Quite possibly the best grafitti I've seen in a while.  This was right across the street from the library too.
You may have noticed that the photos in this post are very dark lighting-wise and have an ethereal, slightly out-of-focus feel.  This is me being "artistic" and trying new tactics.
Alright... that's half true.  These photos are dark because, well, it was really dark that day, and they are blurrly because they were taken out of the window of my car. I was on my way to Kutztown, to visit Jenny and Donna.  There was a lot of stop and go traffic through downtown, so I took the opportunity to get some photographs!

Reading, Pennsylvania, USA
Enhanced by Zemanta


  1. They're gorgeous photos! I want to visit Reading! I love that last photo, of the rows of houses. Ideal.

  2. Thank you so much! I like Reading. Parts of it are a little seedy, but the architecture is really stunning, and the surrounding Amish country is serene.

    ~Emily :)
