Thursday, December 9, 2010

It's Madeline, It's Madeline

Madeline was one of my all-time favourite cartoon characters as a kid.  She was adorable, French, stylish, and loved helping people.  Mostly, though, she was French.  And I thought that was unbelievably cool.  Come to think of it, I still do.
So, when Julianna told me that she was dressing up as Madeline for Halloween... I made her pose for me.  Honestly, she enjoyed it, I didn't really make her.  She did an amazing job!  Enjoy :)
And... it's Genevieve!

"In an old house in Paris that was covered with vines
lived twelve little girls in two straight lines. 
In two straight lines they broke their bread 
and brushed their teeth and went to bed. 
They smiled at the good 
and frowned at the bad 
and sometimes they were very sad. 
They left the house at half past nine 
in two straight lines in rain or shine 
— the smallest one was Madeline."


Model: Julianna Buck

West Grove, Pennsylvania, USA
Enhanced by Zemanta


  1. Ah, ohmigosh I so love you for this post! I adored Madeline as a child, and wanted to be her, as well. I still have my old Madeline books - and even a doll!! :)

  2. Aw, thank you!! I felt (and feel) the same way about her. Everything French made me stupidly happy as a kid. I'm so glad you liked my post! Your blog is really fabulous... I'm flattered that you checked mine out :)

    Thank you, I hope you enjoyed it! Visit again soon!

    ~ Emily

  3. What an adorable costume idea! I've always loved Madeline and still have my Madeline doll!

  4. I have absolutely no idea who Madeline is bu I like the colour combination, very much.

  5. Thank you so much, to both of you!

    ApachesPrincess- yeah, I thought it was a really creative idea too! I had absolutely nothing to do with her choosing it. The model is my little sister, but we don't live together or anything. But, I just adore Madeline so I had to get some photographs :)

    Davidikus- Madeline is a character from a series of children's books, which spawned a TV show and later a movie. She's a little French girl who goes to a boarding school in Paris. Julianna's costume is a more modern interpretation of her look. Thanks for the compliment about the colors- I agree. Though, Julianna put together the outfit, I had nothing to do with that. I did choose the location, though, so those colors (and obviously composition/ editing) are my doing :)

    ~ Emily
