Monday, January 3, 2011

Lazy Days

 For currently being so gung-ho about my photography lately, and for really wanting to get new readers and keep old ones... I have been just miserable about posting consistently. Totally lazy, in fact.  I keep having days where I am too busy, where I forget etc.  There was a time when these posts were ready to go five days in advance, edits all done and such.  Lately, I've been posting the moment I'm done writing, then I've been going back and editing.  Or, I will stop writing in the middle of the post, do something like Danny is doing in these photographs for like five minutes, and then put it down and make myself a cup of tea.
 A lot of this has to do with the fact that my Blogger photo limit has been reached.  This means that I can't upload photos directly from my computer any more.  I either need to start paying Blogger (Google) a bunch of money for more storage space (ridiculous), or I need to take an extra thirty seconds or so and upload each photo to a hosting site to give it a url.  Now, thirty seconds is like no time in the grand scale of world history, and my own personal life.  But, when I have seven photographs in a post, that's three and a half minutes- if my internet is working well (and my computer is fussy as all get-out, so often that's not the case).  This really is not, or at least shouldn't  be a big deal, but darnit, the process annoys me and it has kind of put me off from updating this blog, fun and interesting as it might be. And that stinks.  I love this blog, I love sharing my art, I love hearing from my readers.  To be turned off by an aspect of it is quite, well, depressing. Deflating, even.  I don't like it.  However, I am working through these issues, and hey!  This is a post, so I guess I'm not all that depressed about it.  
Honestly, I'm just happy to be getting something artistic done... it feels great.  I can't wait to get to my next acting job (whatever that might be).  I can't wait to share the ridiculous number of photographs I have taken with all of you.  I'm just... I'm excited.  I'm thankful to have a perfect boyfriend, nice apartment, amazing family, wonderful friends, fantastic readers, and to have successfully opened a pretty cool shop.  More stuff will be added to it soon, I promise.  It's just a bit of a time consuming process, but I will have things listed.  But, yeah.  I'm just happy :)
Brooklyn, New York City, New York, USA
Model: Daniel Garrison
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