Tuesday, January 18, 2011

South Beach Short Shorts

People in South Beach, Miami, seem to be pretty brazen when it comes to their swimwear.
I saw a surprisingly large number of men in speedos or short short swimsuits.  I wasn't that surprised- the majority of the tourists seemed to be from Europe and South America, where men are just generally better dressed, and more confident to wear such things.  Also, they don't have the false machismo, the pretending to be the concept of what people consider to be a man, as much as American men seem to.  I know I'm making vast generalizations here, but that's what I have experienced.
The women were what I expected in South Beach- thin and pretty.  Everyone who looked like a local also looked like a workout-a-holic.  Not gonna lie, I felt a bit pudgy lookin at my thighs.  But I wasn't wearing a swimsuit... so no one else saw them...  
This post is actually mostly of people!  I know I do that very rarely, but sometimes you have to step out of your comfort zone. 
 And, to show you pictures of what South Beach was really like, I feel that I have to show you people, who are always more interesting than things anyway.
  Yes, there was a lot of sand which was surprisingly rocky, and yes, there was the ocean, which was a beautiful blue.  There were palm trees, and flowers, and seagulls. 
However, I've shared lots of photographs of sand and seagulls, and there were palm trees everywhere, not just on the beach, so you'll get your fill of those before my Florida trip posts are over.  
Thus, I share with you the life, the actual feeling of this place through the people.  
I only wish it had been sunnier- the photographs are a little bit dark. 
I let in as much light as I could without sacrificing it to super-blurriness, and some of them turned out blurry.  More of them turned out a bit dark.
But, everyone was just fascinating. I was so happy to see vibrant, diverse people who were not what I was used to, that I just kept snapping away regardless of the light difficulty.
Apparently I wasn't alone :)
There were also a lot of very cute children on the beach, who were surprisingly well behaved.  Many of them were surprisingly naked too, but as I said before, that's a cultural thing, I guess. 
I wasn't at all bothered by the nudity, but I am also not posting any pictures of it here, for propriety's sake.  
There werelots of other young couples too- I don't think we were the only ones with the idea to hit Miami as a romantic winter getaway!
It was such a great study of humanity, which as an actor, I am always trying to do.  Studying how different people from different places act, interact, dress for different occasions and such makes me really happy.  It brings a sort of fulfillment, with the knowledge that I can use that information for a character somewhere down the line. 

Miami, Florida, USA

Pictured:  Lots of people I don't know.  And me, in the last photo (taken by Daniel Garrison).
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  1. Great pics! So jealous of your trip to Miami! We just had a slippery winter day here in Philadelphia... brrrr...

  2. Ohmigosh you look adorbs in that last pic! I've never been to South Beach myself; but it does sound like a fun winter getaway! :)
