Monday, September 12, 2011

Coffee and Tea

If you've been reading this for any length of time, and have picked up anything about me as a person, chances are, the one fact that you might have picked up is... I love hot drinks.  I love them.  Just, love them, love them.  Coffee, tea, cider, hot ginger drinks, steaming eggnog... Hand me one, and I'm just the happiest lady ever.  Coffees make my heart sing, partially because of the warmth and comfort in every cup, and partially because I'm hopelessly addicted to caffeine.  Teas are so very different from one another. So many varieties!  That probably sounds ridiculous, but wow.

Tea is the bomb.

My love of hot drinks has also made me love hot drink paraphernalia like pretty boxes of tea, stylish mugs, and dainty saucers.  Hell, I even get excited about interesting take-out coffee cups.  Ones with particularly interesting lids never cease to make my day.  I kind of wish that I was kidding.  But, I'm easily amused.

I've amassed a stupid number of photographs of mugs, cups, etc over the past few months of non-blogging, because I take my phone everywhere.  I used to take my camera everywhere, but instead of carrying it with me at all times, I've taken to making specific excursions with it.

Since I started doing martial arts, my bag is constantly full of martial arts gear.  The problem here is that after class is done, my gear is sopping wet.  With sweat.  Gross, gross body juice.  The exact opposite of happy sunshine coffee goodness.  On the list of things I don't want my beautiful piece of digital equipment, my camera, around, clothing drenched in my own sweat is pretty close to the top.  So, I don't bring my camera most places.  Even though things are nasty, I still tend to need my phone, and that makes me use my phone camera.  My phone tends to pop out while I'm in cafes, and, bam!

 Coffee pictures.

I hope you enjoy.

Since this has to do with hot drinks, I know I'll enjoy it.

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