Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Austin Action

 Danny and I took another trip to Austin, Texas this summer, and it was a fantastic time.  That sounds kind of trite and silly, but really, it was an excellent and perfectly timed vacation.  I had a blast.  We stayed up way too late watching inexpensive rock bands, ate amazing Mexican food from trucks, enjoyed super-neon snowcones, and played fourteen hour long sessions of Exalted, this great pen and paper based rpg.  Yeah, it's nerdy, but everyone wants to have superpowers.  I call it imagination for adults.  Kind of like acting... but you can win.  

Here's some of what we saw (and did) on the trip.  Get ready for a lot more information, and many more photographs in posts to come, but here is a nice little start.

Austin, Texas, USA
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