Sunday, September 5, 2010

Curious and Clever

I've never really thought that much about sea lions.  Most people probably haven't- I just realized how ridiculous that first statement sounds.  Sea lions are one of those animals that I feel most people are basically familiar with.  They know what they look like (not a lion) and that, well, they kive in the sea.  Cool.  Sea lions.  I have seen them before, at zoos and stuff, but I was never particularly fascinated by them.  They were playful, but not as little and cuddly as the otters, or as vocal as the dolphins, so they slid into the back of my mind as just another animal.  

But... at Sea World... I was just fascinated.  Danny actually had to pull me away at one point, because if I stayed and just watched them, jaw-on-floor, any longer, we wouldn't get to see everything we wanted to see before the park closed.  These sea lions were so.  cute.  Some were massive, like a giant male with a brand in his back, probably from another zoo, seeing as he was the only one.  Then there were babies too!  I was just impressed in every possible way.  They were friendly as well!  They came right up to the edge of the pool as we walked up, and were making eyes at us.  

This one, in particular seemed to like me, he followed me as I walked around the tank, looking up at me with his big brown eyes.  He had that appearance of being very wise, knowing, intelligent.  Yet though he had intelligence, still optimistic, and wanting to be my friend.  I'm in love (sorry Danny).

San Antonio, Texas, USA

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