Friday, April 29, 2011

Endless Summer

The art and culture of  Williamsburg, with its fun street scenes, is just so nifty that I felt the need to do a second post. Actually, there are going to be a third and fourth post shortly following. All of the photographs that I shared yesterday were of the same wall- these are from all around the neighborhood.  It felt like summer on the day I was in that area- so sunny and nice!  I can't wait until it is in the seventies every day.  In August I know I'll be biting my tongue, but right now, I'm just enjoying being able to wear sandals for the first time in months. 

Brooklyn, New York City, New York, USA

1 comment:

  1. These are such great photos - I absolutely love street shots..!

    They really capture the feel & essence of the area.


