Tuesday, April 26, 2011

It's Vegan

I love getting feedback on this blog, no matter what that feedback is.  I'm a pretty small website, so I don't hear from my readers all that often, but even if I don't respond automatically, or even respond at all, I always appreciate that someone took a moment out of their day to share their thoughts about my work.  It really is incredibly flattering.  So, thank you to all of you who have ever done this, and to those of you who  have always wanted to leave me a comment and haven't done so, please feel free!  Introduce yourself and say hello.  Even though I'm occasionally a bit sarcastic here, I'm generally a nice person, and if you are awesome enough to want to say something to me, I'm sure that you are a particularly lovely individual!

Anyways, on occasion, I google search random keywords for this site, such as travel and toile, "travel and toile" and my name.  You know, just to see what comes up.  Most of the time, the first few pages are all information that I have sent into the magical land of the interweb, but also I get to see who has linked to my stuff.  Generally, when I do this, I will find a couple of sites that I did not know showed my link.  The majority of these are actually cleverly disguised ads, but sometimes I'll discover that someone used one of my photographs on their blog, or posted it on their tumblr, or linked to me in their sidebar, like I share some of my favourite blogs with you.

 Today, I found that a blog review site had linked to Travel and Toile.  I was simultaneously excited and a little bit nervous.  Did they like my site?  Did they enjoy my pictures?  What if they think that my writing is no better than that of a kindergartener?  The blood was rushing to my head a little bit as I was waiting for my slow, slow internet to load the page.

It turns out that the review was of an article I wrote about two and a half months ago titled What IS Travel and Toile?  I was going through a rather angsty and decidedly cold and unemployed period at the time, and the article was my way of sharing with you how I had no idea where to take this blog.  I was kind of tired of my general format, and starting to wonder if this was worth it at all, and shared that with you.  Basically, it was a bunch of paragraphs of me complaining and feeling bad about myself, and looking for sympathy.  You did sympathise with me, and I truly appreciated it.  However, since then, I have gotten my act together, acquired a new (and totally awesome) job, stopped complaining, and used all of that energy with which I was feeling bad about myself to take better photographs and write longer and more interesting articles to go alongside them.  So, hooray for that.  I'm loving doing this these days, and I hope you are enjoying reading it!  Seriously, writing the posts for this blog is a lot of fun, and all of my readers (yes this includes you) are just fabulous.  Thank you.  You win!  I mean, you don't really win anything other than my affection, but that must be worth something.

Congratulations!  You've reached the punchline!  The review of What IS Travel and Toile? was only two words long:

What IS Travel and Toile?
-It's vegan.

... um... what? 

 I suppose that it's good to know that my site is friendly to all living creatures!  A bit bizarre, but I am deciding to take it as a compliment.  Cheers, review site.  You've simultaneously made me feel great about myself and confused me utterly.

Please enjoy some celebratory photographs! The first  one (above) shows me in my fun straw hat I purchased on Easter, and the second and third (below) are of the delicious cupcakes my friend Mariana made for me as an Easter present.  The fourth and fifth photographs (further below) show buildings on the Sarah Lawrence College campus up in Yonkers, where I spent my Easter filming a time-traveling mob thriller.  All photos taken with Instagram (real photos return tomorrow).

Happy Belated Easter, by the way, if you happen to be someone who celebrates Easter.  Whether or not you celebrated the holiday or not, I hope that your week has just been excellent thus far.  You rock my socks.

Manhattan, New York City, New York, USA
Yonkers, New York, USA
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