Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Nature's Gifts

Flowers from Central Park in the middle of summer.  

The first photograph is of the waterlillies in the Bethesda Fountain- one of my favourite locations in New York City.  The feeling of power there affects your very soul, it's so beautiful.  

The second is of one of the many plaques in the Shakespeare Garden, another favourite of mine.  It's a quote from Shakespeare's King John, my favourite of his histories.  I actually use the monologue it's taken from as an audition piece.  

The others are of lovely flowers from elsewhere around the park.  Central Park is so delightful- I now live very close to Prospect Park, its Brooklyn equivalent of sorts, and hope to be posting many photographs of it sometime in the near future.  But, something about Central Park's cache is indescribable.  To sit in one of the meadows, or under one of the ancient trees, next to the Bethesda Fountain... One feels imbued with a sense of class that can only be described as inborn.  And I'm not overly classy in my normal life.  A baguette, a yogurt parfait, and a Shakespeare Garden help me create the illusion rather nicely.
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1 comment:

  1. These pictures are really beautiful and breathtaking. I love to see natural beauty thanks for sharing us.
