Friday, October 8, 2010

Inspiration Fridays: First One!

I'd like to introduce... another new little thing here on Travel and Toile!

And, it shall be called:
Yes, ladies and gentlemen  Inspiration Fridays!  I'd love to share with you what inspires me to take the photographs that I post here.  Often my inspiration happens in the moment, but it all comes from somewhere.  I like looking at art online- I sometimes sit down for hours and scroll through flickr, deviantart or tumblr looking for beautiful images and videos to inspire me.  As an actor, I also get very inspired by movies, and taped performances of plays. 

Maybe you'll see some parallels between my photographs and what you see in these posts, and maybe you won't.  But I hope you enjoy!

In general, I'm going to theme them... but for this first one, I thought I'd make it a bit of an intro.

So, here are just some spiffy things that I have found, that have made me really happy.

 Actress Josephine Dunn (1906-1993), in James Cruze’s film, “Excess Baggage,” 1928.

Les Bibelots D’une Garconniere, by Meunier 

ALSO: Polls.  There are two of them on the sidebar.
(Over here) ================ >

Please vote. You, my readers, mean so much to me.  It really helps to know what you like about the site, and what you want to see more (or less!) of.  Not that I am entirely catering to you, let's not lie, a lot of this is about expressing myself, but I am mostly catering to you.  So, if you get a second, check some of those boxes, or send me an email, or even leave me a comment.  I'd really, really appreciate it.


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