Monday, April 23, 2012


I'm going through a beautiful and exploratory period in my life right now.  To say that every day is an amazing experience in which I learn more than I can articulate sounds well, pretentious.  It sounds nuts, too.  But, that's where I am. I'm having epiphanies, and re-epiphanies about ten times a day, and my mind is basically blown.  Okay, it's totally blown. 
 Enjoy some pretty flowers.  The world is beautiful.  They fit this post.

 I'm absorbing and learning so much about humanity, the human condition, myself, my true self, my place among humanity, my place in nature, my place in the galaxy, my place in time and in my own body that I might just explode with enlightenment.  This is to the point that I don't exactly know how to really tell you what it is I'm learning.  My eyes are being opened.  Something wonderful is happening, and I know what it is, but don't know its name.

I feel awake.  Awake to the people around me.  Awake to the happiness, more than the hurt.  Awake to the kindness.  Awake to the little things.  Yes, awake to the hurt, but to the point that I see it for what is really happening, not an over-dramatization.  Awake to what is actually happening in a moment instead of what I think is happening, or what I assume is happening.  Looking and seeing rather than guessing and judging.  Living in what's occurring instead of what has or what will.  Acknowledging that my true voice is the kind one, the one that is nice to me, the one that isn't judgmental, and that all the other voices, the things I tell myself in my head, (which we all have, and you know you have, lest you think I'm suffering from some terrible mental disorder,) are simply projections I have placed onto myself due to my connections to the past, and worries about the future, or the reactions of others.

I thought yoga was a bunch of poses and stuff, but it is really learning to still the modifications you make to your mind.  Woah.

The universe is everywhere, including inside you.  Even if your choices and actions don't affect the world around you, they affect you, and thus have changed the world.  Because, you're part of the world.

A small part of divine is in each of us.  We just have to shut up and listen.

Namaste.  I salute the divine in you.

Taking this course is one of the best choices I've ever made.  Hooray!

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