Friday, February 3, 2012

Frolicking Around

Life has been busy.  I've been doing 10 bajillion things, and being the most productive person ever.  It feels great.  Freaking amazing, if we really want to put an appropriate label on it, and, frankly, I want to put an appropriate label on it.  What doesn't feel freaking amazing is my ankle, which has been bothering me to the point of pain-induced cringing and limping.  It also has been preventing me from doing half the things I had planned to do with the first half of my week.  It is so much better now (huzzah!) but, well, it's still not 100%, and I'm still psychologically reeling from the devastation it caused to my schedule this weekend.  I missed a belt test in martial arts, and thus, am still the same belt level when I expected to be the next one up, and this was due to circumstances out of my control.  That kind of stinks.

What doesn't stink is that today is Danny's birthday!  My darling is 26 today.  He's officially out of the first half of his twenties, and, in my humble opinion, which is the one that most frequently appears on this blog, he is looking sexier by the day.  What an awesome guy.  Seriously.  He's so great.  I'm the luckiest lady in the world to spend so much time with him.  I mean, he lives in my house.  Woah.  How cool is that?

Tonight, after he has what promises to be an incredible and incredibly exhausting martial arts private lesson, I'm taking him out for a Mexican dinner to stimulate and appease his Texan manliness-rage-awesomeness.  He doesn't really have any rage, I just hoped that maybe, because I said that, you were conjuring an image that's a cross between Chuck Norris as Walker Texas Ranger, and Danny in your mind.  If you weren't, you are now.  You're welcome.  We're running away to a tinier town in Long Island tomorrow morning, which should be very pleasant.  I love New York with a passion, but some days, you just have to get out of it.  I'm excited about getting to treat him to this... and, not going to lie, I'm pretty enthusiastic about treating myself to this as well.  This weekend has no excuse to not be awesome.

In celebration of the assumed wonderfulness of my upcoming weekend, and in revenge of the havoc my ankle wreaked on my weekend, here are some photos, which hadn't made it up on here yet, of Danny and I frolicking around Austin during our last vacation.  I know it's Friday, and I usually do an inspiration post... so, consider this inspiration for the kind of shenanigans that shall begin this evening.  And, then last forever!

Austin, Texas, USA

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