Tuesday, May 8, 2012


A few monthes ago, my beautiful and wonderful friend Ginny made a short film, "Await," and asked me to act in it!  I was going over my resume today, updating, cleaning, etc, and watched it again.  Okay, so maybe I watched a few pieces I've been in, but don't judge me.  I'm so incredibly pleased with how this one turned out, and hope to work with her on another sometime soon!  Matter of fact, I bugged her about it about an hour ago, and that's what inspired me to write this post.

It was her first project like this, and I think her eye is great... and not just because I'm in the film.  I mean, I appreciate the fact that I am, but, hey.  That'd be pretty selfish and egotistical.  It's also not because she was my roommate my freshman year of college, and is a good friend.  It's artsy.  I like artsy when it has a point, and I enjoy what this film says.

Anyways, here are a few stills from the project, because, it's similar to how I'm feeling today.  Not in a bad way- the girl in the film looks a little bit sad, and I'm not sad.  I'm just a bit calm, and not preparing for much.  Due to the semester ending, I don't have work this morning, and due to my neck continuing to be a bit of a pain, the workouts planned to take up most of the day will not be happening in as much force.   I had pulled my neck almost two weeks ago, and went back to martial arts last night.  It was fine while I was working out, but, perhaps, doing jiu jitsu wasn't the strongest choice.  Getting choked out umpteen times within the span of an hour does tend to aggravate the neck.  Just a little bit.  As I said- maybe not my best choice ever.

There are places that I have to be later this afternoon, but this morning is about relaxing, recuperating, doing some yoga, sipping some coffee, and editing some photographs. 

Filmed in Ginny's apartment, and at Saint John the Devine.
Manhattan, New York City, New York, USA

Film by Ginny Kozemczak

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