Tuesday, June 7, 2011

The Night After...

After my post about stencils and Banksy yesterday, I decided to sit down, chill out, and re-watch "Exit Through the Gift Shop".  Why?  Because Netflix loves me and is streaming it, along with most everything else I could possibly want to watch.  The artsy fartsy, hipsterrific documentary was then followed by the first episode of Afro-Samurai, and the first half of "Mary, Queen of Scots" with Vanessa Redgrave.  I'm a cultural beast, my friends.

More importantly, were my snacks.  Snacks are imperative while watching films.  First, there were the Spiderman fruit snacks.  No, I can't really top them on this list.  But, let's just say that herbal tea and banana nut muffin flavoured oatmeal with milk came along later, and they were epic, relaxing, and the reason I had to go to bed halfway through "Mary".  I loved the play version a few years ago on Broadway, and the film was fantastic, but considering that the tea I was drinking is called "tension tamer," I was full of delicious carbs, and had barely worked out today... Yeah.  I was feeling fat and lazy and ready to crash.

I generally don't spend my evenings alone like this- as I work more and more often at my super amazing job, which I love, I have less and less time to myself.  I couldn't be happier about this.  Not that I don't enjoy a quiet, obligation-free day of reading, movies and video games.  I do.  I definitely do.  Just, when that becomes every day, as it basically was when I was unemployed during the cold winter monthes, it gets really old.  

However, lately, my nights have been particularly quiet.  I live with my boyfriend, Danny, you know, that muscular bearded guy who pops up on here sometimes, and we generally hang out in the evenings.  We'll catch up on TV shows, go on walks, and sometimes, now that I've started martial arts, even spar.  He's currently going through a nocturnal period for his job, so he's not around very much at night.  Danny works in theatrical lighting, and is working the spotlight on a show that takes place outside in a park, here in the city.  For obvious reasons, it is pretty hard to do any adjustments on the lights during the daytime, so he works at night.  Often, he doesn't get home until 4 or 5am, and considering that I am always in bed by 1am, if not as early as 11pm, I get to spend the night in quiet.  

So, last night, it was movies, corny self-promotional mugs, tea, Spiderman, Scots, afros, and street art for company.  

Happy Tuesday everyone!

The Official Travel and Toile Championship Mug.

 Nom nom nom..... nom..... nom.....

Thank you, as always, for reading Travel and Toile.  I can't tell you how much I appreciate you.  I can try though- I really, really, appreciate you.  From the bottom of my heart.  Thank you for all of the support of whatever this artistic stuff is that I do!

PS.  The Winning NYC Neighborhood IS...

Expect a new post about it sometime early next week.

The runner-ups were Bushwick and Midwood.

The next contest will occur sometime soon.  
Oh... and... 
There will be prizes!
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