Thursday, June 16, 2011

Just Beachy

A few weeks ago, my friend Mariana and I went to Coney Island, to go to the beach!  She hadn't been there before, and we had a nice time. I live so close, that I have promised myself that I will go to the beach a lot this summer.  Thus far... I have gone once.  I really need to be better about this.  New York City beaches are a blast.  There is such a variety of people, and things to do and see.  I particularly love the fact that there are boardwalks.  They are a bit unfamiliar to me, but, if I go to Coney Island and Brighton Beach as much as I plan to this summer, they shall be unfamiliar no more!


Brooklyn, New York City, New York, USA

Sorry that this is kind of a lackluster post today... The photos are pretty good, but yeah, I slacked off on the article.  I'm prepping some great new stuff for you guys, and I wanted to share a few of these photos here in some capacity before I added them to the Facebook Page.

Speaking of which- the Giveaway Contest continues until Sunday at 11:59pm!  Comment on Facebook photos and old posts to help me decide what photographs to sell as products, and you could win a $25 gift card to the Travel and Toile store.  Every comment gives you an entry!
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  1. At first I was thinking "How are you unfamiliar with boardwalks? You go to NJ every summer." Then I realized that LBI doesn't have boardwalks like the rest of NJ has...

  2. Billy- I KNOW... Right? It's so weird. There is a boardwalk everywhere except LBI, and that's only because it got destroyed by hurricanes and flooding a million times, because LBI is basically a glorified sandbar.

    Kenny- Well, we have made the choice to live in Brooklyn. To not love Coney Island would pretty much contradict everything about our decision to habitate where we do. Yes, I concur. And, I do love it!

  3. I should go there the next time I visit the east coast

  4. Awesome pictures! Would have probably caught the mood better if it was a bit sunnier :) Looks kind of gloomy. But it's only on the outside! Your smiles make it right. :D

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