Thursday, March 29, 2012

I Really Am Ok...

So, there seemed to be a little bit of confusion over the last post.  The tone in which I wrote the piece was one of humor and exaggeration, like the pieces on Cracked, or Hyperbole and a Half, Regretsy, or Cakewrecks.  It's what I see as typical "internet humor".

Darnit, I was attempting to be funny.  I find that I'm at my funniest when I allow myself to unhinge a little bit and just go.  Desperate people, to me, are hilarious, because we understand a little bit of what they are going through.  And funny is exactly that.  A commentary on our shared human experience that consists mostly of, "Oh, haha yeah.  I get that.  I understand this.  That's funny".  That's why, despite what many people say, Chekhov can be funny.  People are at their most laughable when they are collapsing in a heap over something that doesn't really matter.

From the I love Cats video.  Which, you should watch.

In any case, I'm really ok.  I still have food poisoning this morning, still feel sick, which was rather unexpected, but other than that, I'm great.  Decompression has occurred at least a little bit over the past few days, which has been needed, and wonderful. Before that, I was a tad more than a tad stressed, maybe to the point of moderately overwhelmed, but who isn't sometimes?  I dealt with it, and what needed to be done got done.  This makes me feel pretty good about things, I must say.  Like having a lovely day frolicking in the snow with Danny kind of good.

All smiles.

For those of you who read into that as me going nuts... I was just drabbling.  I don't post hyper-personal things on this blog because 1. people I know read it, and that's just weird, and 2. the internet has no mercy.  Frankly, the chances of me telling someone in the real world that I'm not okay are rather low as well.  It's just not something I talk about, or have ever talked about.  My own mental well-being is my business, and my problem.  I don't want you to think I'm crazy or unhinged, or have any kind of issues, because those labels are super-judgy, and I am 99% certain this would make me feel significantly worse.  So, rest assured that even if I was going crazy, which, I'm legitimately not, you would have no idea.  It definitely wouldn't be published here.  Here, I do funny.  Truths, yes.  Photographs?  Yup.  Understanding?  Absolutely.  A deep, dark glimpse into my actual psyche?  No.

Sorry about that.  Don't take me seriously.  There's heavy sarcasm in everything I most here that is the least bit comedic.  

Just wanted to make that abundantly clear.

However, thanks for being worried about me, o, powers that worried about me.  It's nice to know that you care.  I appreciate it.  It's flattering, really it is.  So, uh, thanks.  Thanks for that.

Thanks for all you do, readers!


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