Sunday, June 27, 2010

The Lone Flame

If you have been reading Travel and Toile for a bit, you will probably have become aware that I really like candles.  If you are new, first of all, welcome!  I hope you like what you see.  Oh, and by the way- I like candles.  Especially these things in churches with the racks full of them.  This one really intrigued me- only one lone candle was burning, and it was burning rather brightly.  Caught my fancy, and my camera lens.

Bath, England, UK

Like this?  Check out Beautiful Disaster.


  1. Great caption! candles can represent a lot of things, but the most idealistic is "life", The fire is burning us... "the more we light up the fire the more it eats us up", got the thought in it?

    Anyway, I fell in love with your blog from this first visit. hope to see more of your post.

    by the way you might also want to visit places in Asia, here's a little blog that can guide you when traveling on Philippines specially Cebu city., The island got lots of historical churches that were made during the Spanish colonization.. you will definitely find plenty of candles over these churches.

  2. Thank you so much! I'm glad you like my blog so much. This comment made me really happy. You got what I was trying to say so exactly. Seriously, your comment was so gratifying. Thank you.

    As for Asia- I want to go very badly! Right now, I don't quite have the cash, but Cebu is actually on my wish list. The Philippines in general kind of fascinate me. Eventually, I want to plan a Japan- China- Philippines trip. If this happens, I will let my readers know :)
