Like this? This kind gentleman squirrel recommended that if so, this be your only favourite. He wanted no other links attached. Though polite, he's rather narcissistic like that.
I've been entered into a contest! Huzzah! If you have a few moments, please vote for me HERE. I'm nominated for Best Photography! Woohoo!
Thank you in general for all of the support dear readers. This blog wouldn't exist without you. Remember that I am always interested in your comments and feedback. Don't hesitate, I'm totally a nice person, and actually want to know what you have to say.
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Speaking of close-minded, kind of, I wanted to share this. I was walking past the Houses of Parliament in London today, and there were many protesters there, as usual. However, there was one that caught my attention. He was holding up a sign, and using a microphone, so he was difficult to miss. He was insisting that.... wait for it..... wait for it..... The Freemasons killed Alexander McQueen. What? WHAT? That's what went through my mind. That makes no sense whatsoever. Of all of the crazy conspiracy theories out there, I think this is my new favourite.
I added a cool quiz to the side of the page! Vote for your favourite country (out of those choices) or the one you would most like to visit. They are all ones that I have been to, or am going to visit in the near future. However, they are not all of the countries that I have seen. I just find it interesting to know what you're thinking, and maybe you do too.
ALSO I just added this thing called bloglovin. You can now follow this blog through blogspot, blogger, google, or bloglovin. So now you will always know when this blog is updating. Yay! Here's the link: Follow my blog with bloglovin.
ONE MORE THING- I created a facebook group for Travel and Toile. To join, or for more updates, go to The Travel and Toile Facebook Group .
Thanks everyone!