The past few weeks have been great. I feel good about my teaching, we've become just a little bit more monetarily stable, we put up our Christmas tree, and all is well with the world. In general, at least. I haven't been taking as many photographs, or, well, more honestly, I haven't been loading too many onto my computer. So, here are a few that I have uploaded, and some little stories behind them.
A Happy Holiday season to you all!
A Happy Holiday season to you all!

Danny surprised me at work two days ago with two dozen roses! We were going out to a quick lunch, but it wasn't a special occasion or anything. He was just being super sweet. I love him. Seriously- he brought me roses at work. It made my week!
This is the interior of the comfy Think Coffee this past Friday night. Because, that's how I spend my Friday nights. Sitting alone in coffee shops. Perfection! Danny and I ended up seeing "The Immortals" at the movie theatre in 3D later in the evening, and had a blast.
Here is the interior of the very not-comfy Maryland commuter train that Amtrak used for my ride back to NYC on the Sunday after Thanksgiving. Not stellar for $90, but hey, I got home.
And, here is the tasty and simple croissant sandwich I ate on the train. I barely had time to grab lunch before the journey, but I'm glad that I did. Since it was a commuter train and not a standard Amtrak coach, there was no dining car. If you know me, which you might, if you're reading this blog, or, at least, know a little bit about me, which you do, if you've read this blog before, you'll know that I paired this with a coffee.
This is a pair of boots that my mom gifted to me while I was staying at my parents' house over the Thanksgiving holiday. They are 90's granny-like ankle boots, and they are some of the most comfortable things I've ever worn. Despite how they look in this photograph, they are brown, but the furry lining is very real. Yay. Comfort.
I went to go see Philip Glass's "Satyagrahya" with my friend Ginny at the Met last Thursday night. The opera was stunning, and beautifully done. I had such a wonderful night!
Post show, we walked out, and saw this incredible sight- Occupy set up outside of Lincoln Center to emphasize
to the People who just viewed Satyagraha, an opera about Gandhi’s years
in South Africa, and his development of nonviolent resistance, or
“satyagraha” (truth force), that peaceful protest, police brutality, etc
exist, and are important in this city and country, now. The police were
being insane. Saw them manhandle a guy for standing and watching from
the other side of the barrier! A bystander. They were telling people
they weren’t allowed to watch, and asking people not to take photos
until Philip Glass and his entourage showed up. Philip Glass, then,
started speaking to the crowd or protesters!! After Glass showed up the
police seemed to calm down, despite the fact that the barrier was
broken. However, the barrier was broken from the outside- the opera
viewers allowed the protester into the square! Art in action.
Mmmm... Coffee at Soup and Burger, a diner in the village, yesterday. Danny and I had a breakfast-for-lunch date.
MMMMMMmmmmore coffee....
We set up our Christmas decorations a few days ago! Here is our mini blue tinsel tree, covered in ornaments, and a little snowman table topper.
Some pretty ornamental cabbage currently growing in Madison Square Park.
Speaking of Madison Square Park, here is a shockingly gaudy and unattractive ad for the Lady Gaga Thanksgiving special that was up in MSP for... a whole entire day! Installations like this make me mad. It was so un-obvious that this was even an ad for the TV show. Couldn't you have done something better with your money, Gaga? Like donated to charity or something? Outrageous, and ostentatious. Not in a good way.
Here is a beautiful sunlit view of houses from the train platform, early in the morning. I love my days.
Treats popped up in the teachers' lounge at work a few days ago. It was awesome.
Here is a shot of the subway platform at night, with the train coming in. Always such a welcome sight.
No, I don't know this guy. Yes, this photograph was an accident. Yes, I'm thrilled with how it turned out.
Here is another shot of the 34th St Herald Square subway station. I like this platform a lot. So colourful!!
I wish many happy days to you all.
Cheers :)
Manhattan and Brooklyn, New York City, New York, USA
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