New York City has so many neighborhoods. An obscene number, really. Which, if you think about it, makes total sense, because it is the sixth largest city in the world. Brooklyn alone is, if I remember correctly, the fifth largest city in the United States of America. That means we beat Philadelphia. Woot.
In any case, I try to show a lot of these neighborhoods here, on this blog. However, I generally feature only the ones I travel to on any kind of a normal basis. For example... Upper East Side? I never go there. It's not that I don't like it- it's a lovely area, and I have a few friends that I've visited a few times, but in general, other than the Metropolitan Museum of Art, it doesn't strike my particular fancy. Flushing... I have never been to. I keep meaning to go, and I know there is a lot of rad stuff to do out there, even though they house the Mets, but I haven't made it out. It's really far away from me, and I haven't yet had a day where I woke up and said "Hmm, today seems like the day I should familiarize myself with Flushing!". Perhaps, I should decide to have that day. The Bronx, I like, but, once again, it's far away. The main reason I go to the Bronx is for Yankee Stadium (see Mets joke above). I like the Bronx, as I've said, but it's at least an hour by train for me, so it's not convenient to just traipse on up there for an adventure unless the adventure is going to be really fantastic. That said, if you live in the Bronx, hit me up, let's jam. I'd love a good reason to get up there and take some photos. As for Staten Island... yeah, well. Yeah. That. I've driven through it... does that count? It seemed to be somehow differentiated from Jersey.
Basically, I live here in NYC, and I know a lot of it like the back of my hand, especially the areas I've lived in. The Village? Check. Lived there during Undergrad. Bed-Stuy? Lived there too. Flatbush? I might live there now, but I'd never tell you that online... Chelsea? Check. Work there. Midtown? Check. I have spent too much time waiting outside auditions freezing my butt off and doing nothing to occupy my time other than observing the scenery, and have also shown many visiting friends the M&M store and mega Toys R Us. By the way... there is a ferris wheel inside of Toys R Us. It is pretty epic.
(dun dun dunnnn)
There is a lot of the city that I have just never seen.
Here's your opportunity to change that.
Comment on this post and tell me what you think is New York's
I'll then go there, take a bunch of photos, check it out, and prep a post for next weekend.
You can vote for any neighborhood. It can be one I feature all the time, like The Village or Chinatown, or something I never show, like Riverdale or Canarsie.
The possibilities are endless. And, it is totally up to you!
I'm hoping to turn this into a running thing.
Thanks everyone!
Now, enjoy some scattered photos from a variety of neighborhoods.
This is a photograph of one of the best little decor pieces in my apartment in Brooklyn- my light-up cherry blossoms!

This photograph shoes my sister, Julianna, coming very close to hitting my mother in the face with one of the "bam bam" excitement/ noisemakers that they gave to all of the Tisch graduates at the recent NYU graduation at Yankee Stadium, in the Bronx.

After the graduation ceremony at the stadium, we took a nice little walk through the East Bronx to a subway station that wouldn't be quite so much of a zoo. Here is my dad, Bob, standing on the platform at the 149th St Grand Concourse station, waiting for the 5 train.

This super cool little statue is outside of a restaurant in Little Italy, in Manhattan. You have to kind of shuffle past him to get into the door, but, hey! Someone gave you a thumbs up and a wink today. It's now a pretty awesome day.

I found this vintage Charmain Mao propaganda poster in Pearl River Mart, in Soho, in Manhattan. The details and colors were so exciting and riveting to me. So, I've titled this photo "Vintage Pro-Mao Poster". (Get it? I made a pun there. Promo poster... pro-Mao poster..... whatever.)
New York City, New York, USA
This photograph shoes my sister, Julianna, coming very close to hitting my mother in the face with one of the "bam bam" excitement/ noisemakers that they gave to all of the Tisch graduates at the recent NYU graduation at Yankee Stadium, in the Bronx.
After the graduation ceremony at the stadium, we took a nice little walk through the East Bronx to a subway station that wouldn't be quite so much of a zoo. Here is my dad, Bob, standing on the platform at the 149th St Grand Concourse station, waiting for the 5 train.
This super cool little statue is outside of a restaurant in Little Italy, in Manhattan. You have to kind of shuffle past him to get into the door, but, hey! Someone gave you a thumbs up and a wink today. It's now a pretty awesome day.
I found this vintage Charmain Mao propaganda poster in Pearl River Mart, in Soho, in Manhattan. The details and colors were so exciting and riveting to me. So, I've titled this photo "Vintage Pro-Mao Poster". (Get it? I made a pun there. Promo poster... pro-Mao poster..... whatever.)
New York City, New York, USA
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