Thursday, June 16, 2011

Just Beachy

A few weeks ago, my friend Mariana and I went to Coney Island, to go to the beach!  She hadn't been there before, and we had a nice time. I live so close, that I have promised myself that I will go to the beach a lot this summer.  Thus far... I have gone once.  I really need to be better about this.  New York City beaches are a blast.  There is such a variety of people, and things to do and see.  I particularly love the fact that there are boardwalks.  They are a bit unfamiliar to me, but, if I go to Coney Island and Brighton Beach as much as I plan to this summer, they shall be unfamiliar no more!


Brooklyn, New York City, New York, USA

Sorry that this is kind of a lackluster post today... The photos are pretty good, but yeah, I slacked off on the article.  I'm prepping some great new stuff for you guys, and I wanted to share a few of these photos here in some capacity before I added them to the Facebook Page.

Speaking of which- the Giveaway Contest continues until Sunday at 11:59pm!  Comment on Facebook photos and old posts to help me decide what photographs to sell as products, and you could win a $25 gift card to the Travel and Toile store.  Every comment gives you an entry!
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Wednesday, June 15, 2011

These Crazy Days

New York is a really, really big city.  This can be easy to forget sometimes when you live here, because it is all so close together, and the train and bus systems are so simple.  But, parts of the city are obnoxiously far away from one another, and, sometimes, you have to go to many of these places in one day.

Yesterday was one of those days for me.  And, I did a decent job of capturing it in Instagram photos for all of you.   So, here's the saga!

First of all, I had a bit of a late night on Monday.  I went to see Measure for Measure at Shakespeare in the Park, which is run by the Public Theatre.  The performance took place in the Delacorte Theatre in Central Park, and was great.  I had a lot of fun.  There are some nitpicky thins that I could say about the design, and some of the acting, but in general I thouroughly enjoyed the production, which made me happy.  Bad Shakespeare makes me a very unhappy camper, and good Shakespeare just brightens up my whole existence.  This was good Shakespeare.  If you live in New York City, or near it, you should definitely go.  It's worth the free admission for certain.  Of course, I didn't actually have to wait in line, because Danny works for them, but I would have.  I went to see this with my friend Spencer, and afterwards, Danny joined us and we went for a late meal at a diner on the Upper West Side called Cafe Viand.  I had some scrumptious pancakes and was a very happy lady.  This lasted until after midnight... hence the inclusion in yesterday's activities.

After this, we returned home to Flatbush, where I took no photographs.  Oops.  In any case, Flatbush is quite a bit of a way from the Upper West Side, considering it's in Central Brooklyn.

Yesterday morning, I putzed around at home a little bit, relaxing, and hanging out in my neighborhood.  But, my first big destination of the day was Astoria, Queens, for my singing lesson with the glorious Kara Boyer.  If you live near New York City and need a new singing teacher- go, go, go!  She's changed my life, and I'm not saying that lightly.  Seriously, just... just go.  Astoria is very far away from Flatbush.  I'm not sure if it is further distance-wise than the Upper West Side, but it is certainly farther train time and convenience wise.  Totally worth it though.  Kara is amazing.

The next stop on the list for me was Stella Adler Studio of Acting, in Chelsea, where I work and volunteer.  Yesterday was a volunteer day.  I help out and assistant-teach in the Stella Adler Outreach Program, which provides free acting training for low-income high school students in the city.  And we find some of the most incredible, talented, devoted, and kind young men and women in New York.  I've been predominantly working with one group in the program, and these students never fail to impress me.  They are so good, and even when it seems like they might not be able to pull off what they have been asked to do, they come through at the last minute with flying colors and knock our socks off.  They are just, wow.  I can't be effusive enough about how much I care about these people.  They win.  Speaking of which, they opened tonight, and their show is amazing.  I'm so insanely proud- if there was a legitimate mountain near me, I might have climbed up to the top of it and screamed it to the masses.  Alas, this is not the case.

Next, I got on an N train at 28th St, and took it to the 59th St stop in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn, where I would transfer to an R.  I was going out to Dyker Heights to hang out with my friends Dennis and Pat, who I hadn't seen in a few weeks, but are always fun.  They are twin brothers, but barely look alike at all.  Danny was out there too.  Bay Ridge and Dyker Heights are some of the southernmost points in Brooklyn, so it took me about an hour to get there overall.

This is a detail of a mosaic in the Bay Ridge-86th St R train station, where I disembarked, as it were.  I like Bay Ridge- it has a distinctly middle class feel to it, and there is a lot to do.  If it weren't so obnoxiously far away from Manhattan, I wouldn't mind living there at all.  But, more than a 45 minute commute doesn't really appeal to me, and I like Flatbush a lot, so, at the moment, I plan to stay where I am.  Bay Ridge is neat, though.

By this point, it was about 9:30 at night, and I was walking to Pat and Dennis's house.  I was rather exhausted- I had spent about two hours of my life on the train that day, and done some serious acting work in my singing lesson, which is more exhausting than most people would expect.  Acting burns around 400 calories an hour, which is way more than walking quickly, nonstop, for that amount of time. It's hard work, and well, I was feeling the end of the day lag.

Solution: STARBUCKS.  Yep.  I'm addicted to caffeine pretty badly, and, correctly anticipating that we would be hanging out until around midnight, I needed some type of pick me up.  The beverage of choice for me was my recently acquired favourite- a skinny Cafe Misto.  I've generally been a latte fan, because I like steamed milk.  But, Caffe Mistos are coffee topped with steamed milk, and are about a dollar cheaper, or more, per size. I've dropped latte from my ordering vocabulary.

I was going to get some food at Starbucks as well, but Danny let me know that they had some already.  Honey Nut Cheerios and almond milk, to be exact.  I was all kinds of excited.  So, despite the fact that those bagels look scrumptious, I passed, and headed along on my way.  Soon, I was at the house, and we hung out for a few hours, chilling out and preparing some characters for my upcoming first game of Dungeons and Dragons ever.  Woot.

A bit before midnight, we left Pat and Dennis's house, and went to catch the bus.  For the first time in New York City history, the bus was early.  It was supposed to leave at 12:05, and when we got there at 12:00... it was pulling away.  We sprinted about four blocks before we realised that we were screwed.  The B16 bus only comes once every half an hour after midnight... so... yeah.  We didn't have many options.  After our coffee beverages we were both surprisingly awake, and neither one of us had any commitments today before 11am, so we elected to walk the slightly under an hour home.  It was lovely.  The air was cool, people were around, but not too many.  We just chatted.  However, at some place in Sunset Park, we did come across this, I don't know what to call it, thing.  Ride thing.  I don't even know.  It's like a possessed donkey pony ride terror that will haunt my dreams.  In any case, it's how I finished off my night.

If you wonder what my life is like... I clocked almost two hours on subway trains today too.  Welcome to life in New York.

Queens, Brooklyn, and Manhattan, New York City, New York, USA
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Sunday, June 12, 2011

Win a $25 Gift Certificate to the Travel and Toile Store!


I'm doing a giveaway!  
You can win a $25 gift certificate to the brand new Travel and Toile Store on Zazzle! (

How do you win?  It's pretty simple.  I'm attempting to decide what photographs to use on my merchandise.  I could just choose the ones that I like best, and trust me, I will do that too, but I also want your opinion.  After all, if you are reading this, you must like something about what I'm doing, and my hope is that, perhaps, you might even want to spend a little cash to own some of it for yourself one day.  Maybe.  So, the way you enter is by giving me feedback.

Leave a comment (of at least four words) on ANY post, here on Travel and Toile, or on any photograph on the Travel and Toile Facebook Page.

Or, you can leave comments on the Travel and Toile Flickr Page.

The comment can be positive or negative- just let me know if you like the photograph, or photographs in the post, what you like (or don't like) about it, or, if you would like (or decidedly not like) to see it on a product, or if it reminds you of something spectacular from your childhood (or doesn't), or if you like my composition (or you hate it).  Basically, just leave me at least four words about what you think about my work.  This will help me create products you will like, give me valuable feedback on how I'm doing artistically, and give you a chance to win some free stuff.  It sounds good to me!  

The more comments you leave, the better your chances to win!  There is no cap on the number of comments other than time, and number of posts/ photographs that happen to exist.  And, of course, the size of your sit-at-computer-and-chill-out stash of snacks.  That's important. 

This contest begins at 11:00pm EST on Sunday, June 12, 2011, and will end at 11:59pm EST on June 19, 2011.  All comments posted before that time were definitely appreciated, but will not count for this contest.

While you are debating... check out some of the super-nifty merchandise already available in the store! 

More fine print type things- 

You DO NOT need to have a Google ID to leave comments here.  Just click on  "# comments" at the end of any post, and choose the Name/URL option in the drop down menu.  You don't actually have to put a URL.  However, if you don't leave a name, I can't enter you in the contest.  It doesn't have to be your real name, if you don't want it to be.  It merely has to be consistent.  If you win, I will need your actual email address in order to send you your fantastic $25 gift certificate!  

Unfortunately, you do need to be registered with Facebook in order to leave comments there.  Sorry about this, if you aren't a Facebook user...  I just wanted to broaden the options for entry.  Same thing goes for Flickr, actually. 

Why four words?  It's an arbitrary number, yes, but I don't want people just writing "awesome!" or "this sux!" or "comment..." on a post.  That's not helpful to you, or to me.  Not that, "Wow, that was awesome!" is all that much more helpful, but at least it looks like you made an effort... right?

Why are there so few items in the shop at the moment?  Well, I just opened it yesterday, and I'm working on it.  There will be many, many more items very soon.  Don't you worry.  That $25 worth of free stuff will be very worth your time, I promise.  If I didn't think it would be, I wouldn't be offering this awesome opportunity to you!

Didn't you have a store on Etsy?  I've been wanting to do a giveaway for awhile now, and this seems to be the perfect opportunity.  As many of you know, I used to host my shop on Etsy.  This proved to be extremely unsuccessful.  I dumped a lot of money into the store, and basically didn't get any back.  It was an essentially failed venture, but I learned a lot, and have lots of printed notecards to send to relatives, and magnets of my own work on my metallic front door, so I wouldn't say that it wasn't pointless.  Zazzle offers a wider range of products with smaller monetary gain on my part per item, in theory, but there are no costs up front.  I'm giving it a go!  

As more questions come up, I'll edit them here, on this post.

Thanks for your support, everyone!  
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Saturday, June 11, 2011

Prelude to a Picnic

Last Tuesday, I met my friend Sara in Madison Square Park for a nice, little picnic!  I arrived a bit before she did, so I got off of the train at Union Square and walked up Broadway.  I've taken photographs along this stretch before- many times, actually.  There is a lot to see.  Many interior design stores line the streets, ABC Home being the most notable.  Their window displays are absolutely incredible.  The creativity of that store is pretty much unparalleled.  I haven't found it's equal, at least.  Tiny eateries and delis are in nice supply, and the streets aren't busy with cars, due to the strange route Broadway takes through Midtown.  In Herald Square and Times Square, Broadway is not open to cars, only pedestrians and bikes.  A quiet, beautiful street generally sounds like a good idea to me.  

So, these photographs are scattered bits of the walk and the picnic.  You may recognise Sara from my Facebook album- I took some headshots and such for her a few monthes ago, and she's gorgeous.  

Manhattan, New York City, New York, USA
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