Hello there!
My name is Emily- I used to blog here.
And, here I am, blogging here again. I've taken a bit of a hiatus for what is honestly not the first time, and I'm back, writing things,taking pictures, and adventuring around Brooklyn.
You see, I live in Brooklyn, NYwhich is why I am the Brooklyn Adventurer. I like adventuring. I'm wearing an adventure hat up in the picture up there. See it? It's me, in Prospect Park (which is a big park in Brooklyn) wearing a hat that makes me feel like I'm an imperialist Englishmanlady claiming the borough Heart-of-Darkness-style circa 1800 something. But without being super mean to the natives because that ain't cool. I'm assimilating with my hatty justice, my beef patties and my 99 cent cans of Arizona Arnold Palmer.
For, I'm not native. I wasn't born in New York. I'm from a super tiny town in Pennsylvania (which is also a state in the US). Actually, I'm from just outside of a super tiny town in Pennsylvania. There is one stop light in this town. It's at a 3 way stop. You get the idea. It was great, and then I left at 18. Because there is a lot of world out there, and I wanted to see it. Because I'm an adventurer.
I moved to New York to go to school, and now I live in Brooklyn and it's awesome. I work as a voice teacher for actors, an acting teacher for elementary schoolers, and a yoga teacher for people who want to do yoga.
This post has a lot of "I"s in it, so whoops, narcissism, but basically, I just wanted to let you know that I'm back. There will be posts sometimes about stuff. About adventures. Things that are fun, or, not so fun that I do. Crap happening in my life. Crazy things that the elementary school children I teach say. There will be fun. There will be humor. There might be blood. Probably not, but I do martial arts as a hobby so nothing is ruled out. I'll talk about yoga. I'll talk about acting. I'll talk about Brooklyn. Dear god, I might even talk about Manhattan sometimes.
Overall though, this is a blog about how being a young adult in 2012 is confusing, hard, and weird, but great at the same time, freelancing is bonkers, yet mostly rewarding, and the world is a beautiful freaking place even on the worst days.
Welcome back to The Brooklyn Adventurer.