Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Game of Thrones as Seinfeld

Never, ever, EVER forget how much of a difference your editor can make.  Also, don't ever underestimate the power of laugh tracks.

This mashup, Game of Thrones as Seinfeld, just about made me fall out of my chair.  I'm a big fan of The Song of Ice and Fire, more of the books than the show, but the show is pretty beautiful, and I've watched plenty of Seinfeld, and I love what these people are doing.  They overlaid laugh track on the video and did some simple cuts, but I'm pretty certain that the two main scenes in each episode here are powered dominantly by the Seinfeld-esque rolling laugh track.

Anyway, give the first two episodes a looksee.  I'd imagine that it's probably slightly less funny if you haven't seen both shows, but hey, that's life.

Check it out.

Friday, December 7, 2012

Zen Pencils

Zen Pencils is great.  

Ralph Waldo Emerson quotes and meditation in cute pixels.

Reminders about life in simple manner.

Want some nice, zen, thought-provoking colored pencil art?  


You should also check out his Store.

It's made of glory and also happy philosophy.  Deep and yet marvelously light.  

The combination of the two is practically perfect.  The cartoons are simple and cute, but the messages are important and potentially life-altering.

I have liked every entry from here that I have seen, and I highly recommend signing up for his email list, because then, they will land right in your inbox.  Plus, you get free poster downloads and everyone and their mom likes free stuff. 

Reasons to be happy.  Reasons to persevere.  Reasons to work hard.  Reasons to not worry.

Reasons to feel big.  Reasons to feel small.

Reasons to work hard and achieve greatness.

Reasons to go out there and take on the world.  

Every time I look at this website, I want to inspire everyone I know.  I want to achieve greatness.  I want to world to be a better place.  I want everyone to feel happiness and safety through the powers of their own mind.

And that is pretty damn amazing.

Well played, Zen Pencils.  Well.  Played.

Note: As this post goes live, I am sitting in the airport waiting to board a plane to Maine.  Woot.  Anyways, there might or might not be updating much this week.  Of course, you aren't used to me updating because I just neglected to update for six monthes but hey, I thought I'd throw that out there.  

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Love Consent

Warning- this post is about underwear.  There will be pictures of underwear and ladies wearing underwear.  Because this is apparently something you need to be warned about.  Welcome to 2012.

I'm digging the hell out of Love Consent- a line of underwear by "Victoria's Secret" to promote consensual sex instead of rape. 

Yes.  A thousand times yes.  

Hilarious, yet poignant, and blocked on Twitter probably by Victoria's secret, these underwear throw the responsibility for rape at the dudes instead of the boobs.  Because, men have brains. Many of my friends are guys, and I am very aware that they use the matter in their head to make decisions, not the matter in their nether-regions.  

I sometimes have a difficult time understanding how it is that dudes don't get really offended when people assert that it is a chick's fault that she got raped.  She looked so sexy that the guy just had to.  Umm... no.  He has a brain.  In his cranium.  That makes decisions.  That uses reasoning.  That can understand situations.  That can get his legs to walk away.  

In any case, check this out and also take a look at their website and their Facebook page because they are doing some straight-up awesome stuff that is just on point.  The underwear is cool, and their models look like real people because they probably are.

Really, look at this shiz.  I want this.   I wish Victoria's Secret was cool enough to make this.  

Of course, we live in the real world and their job is to sell sexy to ladies for sexy times, so that will never happen.  

But I would wear this every day.  And smile to myself as I put it on.  I would buy this for single friends as birthday presents.  And for ones in relationships too.  This would make millions because the internet exists, and my generation is pretty nifty and honestly buys things like this.  We have a lot of feminists screaming to be heard, and having no way to go about it, so they spend a lot of time on tumblr.  Also online shopping for undies.

All photos are from the Love Consent website and Facebook page.

Hi. I'm Emily.

Hello there!  

My name is Emily- I used to blog here.  

And, here I am, blogging here again.  I've taken a bit of a hiatus for what is honestly not the first time, and I'm back, writing things,taking pictures, and adventuring around Brooklyn.

You see, I live in Brooklyn, NYwhich is why I am the Brooklyn Adventurer.  I like adventuring.  I'm wearing an adventure hat up in the picture up there.  See it?  It's me, in Prospect Park (which is a big park in Brooklyn) wearing a hat that makes me feel like I'm an imperialist Englishmanlady claiming the borough Heart-of-Darkness-style circa 1800 something.  But without being super mean to the natives because that ain't cool.  I'm assimilating with my hatty justice, my beef patties and my 99 cent cans of Arizona Arnold Palmer.  

For, I'm not native.  I wasn't born in New York. I'm from a super tiny town in Pennsylvania (which is also a state in the US).  Actually, I'm from just outside of a super tiny town in Pennsylvania.  There is one stop light in this town.  It's at a 3 way stop.  You get the idea.  It was great, and then I left at 18.  Because there is a lot of world out there, and I wanted to see it.  Because I'm an adventurer.  

I moved to New York to go to school, and now I live in Brooklyn and it's awesome. I work as a voice teacher for actors, an acting teacher for elementary schoolers, and a yoga teacher for people who want to do yoga.  

This post has a lot of "I"s in it, so whoops, narcissism, but basically, I just wanted to let you know that I'm back.  There will be posts sometimes about stuff.  About adventures.  Things that are fun, or, not so fun that I do.  Crap happening in my life.  Crazy things that the elementary school children I teach say.  There will be fun.  There will be humor.  There might be blood.  Probably not, but I do martial arts as a hobby so nothing is ruled out.  I'll talk about yoga.  I'll talk about acting. I'll talk about Brooklyn.  Dear god, I might even talk about Manhattan sometimes.  

Overall though, this is a blog about how being a young adult in 2012 is confusing, hard, and weird, but great at the same time, freelancing is bonkers, yet mostly rewarding, and the world is a beautiful freaking place even on the worst days.

Welcome back to The Brooklyn Adventurer.