New Jersey. Ah, the different thoughts that come to mind when you hear the name of that state. New. Jersey. Some people think of Snooki. Others think of pollution. Some think of the pine barrens, or Jersey City, or Princeton, or Hoboken. Camden. Trenton. Cape May. To me, Jersey means vacation. Jersey means Long Beach Island, which is one of the best places in the world. It also happens to be where I am going tonight.
My grandparents own a house in Beach Haven, on Long Beach Island, or LBI, which is a barrier island right near Atlantic City and Manahawkin. 18 miles long, and just under a mile wide at its widest point, this place is just perfect. It's so pretty. Relaxing, nice, fun places to eat, good stuff to do. For many summers, I had the pleasure of working at a theatre in Beach Haven, Surflight Theatre, and I worked one fall and winter there as well. Great venue- it's changed hands a few times recently, but I have so many fond memories of the place. I've lived in Beach Haven, and consider it one of my homes, it is such an integral part of who I am. Danny and I met there while we were working at Surflight, and fell for one another on the beach under the stars. Yes, really. It felt like something out of a romance novel, but here we are, almost three years later! Beach Haven will always hold an incredibly special place in my heart, for most of the important events of my life occurred there.

This weekend, though, will just be a little vacation. And boy, is it needed. I've been busy lately, what with yoga teacher training, work, martial arts, parents visiting, etc. Once again, it's all been good- but, I've been stretching myself in a few too many directions. Crazy? A bit, yes. But, it's almost done now. I'm sure that I'll replenish my schedule with some new crazy soon enough, but, at the moment, I have only a few more weeks of insanely booked schedule until things look as if they might clear up a bit, and I might have time to do things like hang out in the park with a friend. Or Danny. You know, that guy. His dad is visiting all next week, which should be very fun. He's cool.

I just can't wait to stand on the beach at night. That's my favourite part of Beach Haven. Though the town is fairly bustling during the summer, the beach, at night, is very quiet, and you can barely see the lights from town. It's pitch. Or, well, way, way, wayyyy more pitch than Brooklyn ever gets. You can see stars. It's amazing the effect stars have on me- maybe it's because I've been living in cities for the past five years, but stars are gorgeous. They are awesome, in every sense of the word. Awe inspiring. They are balls of fire in space! Millions of miles away! There they are! Shining on us. When I see stars, there's an instant decompression in my mind and body.
Plus, this weekend, I get to hang out with my marvelous grandparents, who are like a second set of parents to me, and with my sister.
So psyched. This weekend is going to rock.
Beach Haven and Holgate, New Jersey, USA