Friday, December 31, 2010

Inspiration Fridays: Happy New Year!

I hope you have a beautiful one full of sunshine and happiness.
Maybe some unicorns and puppies too...
Or some rabbits.  It's the Chinese Year of the Rabbit this year.  But, that doesn't start til February.

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Happy Birthday Travel and Toile!!

This is Travel and Toile's first birthday!!  Hooray!

I never thought this blog would come this far. 
Thank you so much for all of your support and patronage through this past year. This means so much to me- I never thought I'd learn to express myself like this, and get such an amazing response from people.
So yay!  Happy Birthday to me.

Also.... guess what!
My store is open!
I'm so thrilled about this.  It's incredible to have so many awesome things land on one day!

Here's a sampling of the current items in my shop.  I only have six different things listed at the moment, but I am planning to add many more in the coming days.  I apologize sincerely for the lack of posts the past few days.  Setting up the store took significantly more time than expected, and my real life has been kind of crazy too!

Anyways, here are the items currently in the store!

Lovely Flower Notecards
 Four lovely photographs of flowers taken by Emily Grace Buck. There are eight cards in this collection, with two of each of the four prints. The cards are 4.25"x 5.5" and come with eight envelopes.
The first photograph, "Tagged," is of beautiful white flowers at Longwood Gardens, the former estate and conservatory of an aristocratic French family in Kennett Square, Pennsylvania, USA.
The second photograph, "Three Sisters," depicts three pink flowers coming from one plant, taken in the Shakespeare Garden of Central Park in New York City, New York, USA.
The third photograph "A Rose Might Smell as Sweet," shows a blossoming pink rose, also taken in the Shakespeare Garden of Central Park, New York City, New York, USA.
The fourth photograph, "And the Living Is Easy," is a ground-level shot of small daisies nestled amongst a bed of grass in Gordon Square, London, England, UK.

Super Kitschy Notecards
 Fun and hilarious notecards to share with friends, featuring some of the kitschiest photographs I have taken!
Join Yoda, a plush lion, a chill flamingo and mosaic skeletons in this totally awesome collection.
All photographs taken by Emily Grace Buck. There are eight cards in this collection, with two of each of the four prints. The cards are 4.25"x 5.5" and come with eight envelopes.
The first photograph, "These Kids Are So Much Hipper than Me" shows a particularly nifty hipster dude strutting his stuff with his plush lion backpack. He was walking through South Street Seaport in New York City, USA one day, with a lady friend of his who looked way too much like Lady Gaga (in a good way), and I just happened to be lucky enough to have my camera out. I got some photographs of their faces, but this one of the little lion just delighted me for some reason. I hope you like it too!
The second photograph, "Chilling like only a Flamingo Can," features a fanciful statue in Seaworld San Antonio, Texas, USA. Statues like this were all over a playground in the theme park, and they were really fun to photograph.
The third photograph, "My Art is Many Pieces Put Together" is a close-up of part of a mosaic under a bridge in Austin, Texas, USA. This beautiful piece of art was created by Stefanie DiStefano, owner of the FlamingO Ranch. The entire piece was put up without permission of the city, and after it was discovered, it was ordered to be taken down. But, the surrounding residents loved it so much, and recognized the superior artistic value, and this awesome piece of street art remained. Now you can share it with your friends in this card.
The fourth photograph, "May the Gears Be with You," is of a small statue displayed at the Christmas Market in Bryant Park in New York City, New York, USA. I can't remember the name of the booth or the artist, but there were a bunch of famous movie characters depicted in steampunk style statues, including this lovely one of Yoda.

Graveyard Notecards
  Perfect to send to the more morbid friend!
Lovely and serene photographs of an ancient graveyard by Emily Grace Buck. There are eight cards in this collection, with two of each of the four prints. The cards are 4.25"x 5.5" and come with eight envelopes.
All four photographs were taken in the graveyard of Old St. Pancras Church in London on film. This graveyard is not like a normal one- in the mid eighteenth century, it was renovated to turn it into more of a park with only large monuments artfully located, rather than a cemetery cluttered with stones. During this renovation, the bodies remained buried, but all of the gravestones were moved against the walls and around one large tree. Since then, the tree has continued to grow, encompassing the surrounding gravestones.
The first and last photographs "All Together Now" and "Never Alone," depict this tree, named The Hardy Tree.
The second photograph, "Always Best Friends" is of a large memorial in the cemetery. The man memorialized was very close with his pet dogs. The third photograph, "Sleep Serenity," is of another memorial in the graveyard. No one is buried in either one of these structures, they are commemorative only. Though, the chances of unmarked graves lying underneath them are very high.
The entire place just seemed so full of peace and calm. Old St. Pancras Church has been a place of worship since 300AD, before Christianity reached England, and is located along the lay line coming from Wales through Glastonbury. If you ever go to London, I highly recommend giving it a look.
If you aren't planning to go to London, you just got lucky! You can share this magical location with your friends by sending them these notecards.

Tudor Flower Collection Notecards
  Four unique photographs of flowers in Elizabethan settings taken by Emily Grace Buck. There are eight cards in this collection, with two of each of the four prints. The cards are 4.25"x 5.5" and come with eight envelopes.
The Tudor era in the United Kingdom is known for many things, including Elizabeth I, Shakespeare, and men in frilly tights. You can experience two of these things with this notecard collection! (Sadly... I wasn't able to include the frilly tights).
The first two photographs, "Neath the Window," and "Magpied" are of a house in Stratford-Upon-Avon, the birthplace of the Bard, William Shakespeare. They show the flower beds and windows of the house, which is presumed to have belonged to Will's uncle.
The other two photographs, "Across the Field" and "Yellow Majesty" depict the grounds of Hampton Court Palace, the great Tudor home not too far outside of London, where Henry VIII and his children after him played and explored.

Overhead 5"x7" Print
  This is an original photograph of a bird flying over the Paris skyline. It was taken in front of the Sacre Couer in Montmartre, and you can see many famous Paris locations in the background. I titled the photograph "Overhead," because the bird is at least thirty feet above all of the people on the ground, and with the camera angle, it looks like an even greater distance.
This order is for one 5"x7" unframed print of the photograph. The back will be signed, and it shall be shipped in a padded envelope if ordered alone, or with other prints. If ordered with other items, it will be shipped in a box.
Since this photograph is kind of my classic, most popular one, it will not be limited edition as of yet.

Beach Ninja 5"x7" Print
  Beach Ninja is out to serve justice in righteous and sandy kind of way.
Join him in this fun print as he sneaks around a park bench to defeat the mighty seagull Gulcor and his malicious minion T-ruck the truck. He must save New Jersey from their evil schemes!
This is one 5"x7" print of the photograph "Beach Ninja" from the delightfully popular comic-book style post "The Chronicles of Beach Ninja" on my blog,
Only three of these will be printed, like, ever. So, if you have been wanting to get your hands on some Beach Ninja, order now!
This print comes unframed, and will be shipped in a padded envelope if sold alone or with other prints, and in a box if shipped with other items as well. The print will be signed on the back.

Seriously everyone, thank you so much again.  It's been a great ride, and I look forward to all of the excitement in the New Year!!
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Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas!

And happy any other holiday you happen to have celebrated recently as well.

Sorry for the lack of updates the past few days- I've been a bit swept up in the business of the holiday season, but regular posting shall begin again tomorrow.

Thanks everyone!


Monday, December 20, 2010

Coney in the Cold

This post could also be titled, "Coney Island when it's Deserted".
It's like a ghost town when it's winter.
I kind of liked it.

Brooklyn, New York City, New York, USA

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Sunday, December 19, 2010

Expensive Windows

I love antique stores. I like how they look, how they smell.  All dusty and musty and such.  They make me happy.  But, the ones in New York are so high class, that they are just expensive.  Really, really expensive.  I have no idea if they actually have superior quality antiques, or if they just are able to sell them at high prices because of their location.  New York is definitely an antique mecca.  
 I went to New York University, and my freshman year, I lived in a dorm on 10th and Broadway in Manhattan.  The surrounding blocks were full of dingy little shops that could only be accessed with an appointment and a doorbell.  
Sometimes, for acting inspiration, I would just stand and stare at the wares in the windows.  Those were the antique shops in the village. 
The antique store where these photos were taken is located in... Midtown.  That mini-city populated by mostly tourists, who assume that New Yorkers are rude and everything will be insanely pricey.  This antique store was wayyy too polished for my taste.  Everything was... shiny.  It wasn't smelly.  But, I was able to get a few cool photographs!

Manhattan, New York City, New York, USA
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Saturday, December 18, 2010

I Saw the Sign

Last night, I was hanging out with some of the other actors in the show.  We were sitting in the kitchen, baking Christmas cookies and listening to holiday music, but our discussion, at one point, turned to 90's music.  And our childhoods.  Someone mentioned the song "The Sign," by Ace of Base.  It got me thinking about some of the photographs that I took in Maine, of road signs on the dirt path, and plaques on the closed-up summer homes.  
 So, the final Maine post became two, and part two commences now :)

I gotta new life
You would hardly recognize me I'm so glad
How could a person like me care for you?
(Why?)Why do I bother
When you're not the one for me
Ooooo, is enough, enough?
 I saw the sign and it opened up my eyes
I saw the sign
Life is demanding without understanding
I saw the sign and it opened up my eyes
I saw the sign
No one's gonna drag you up to get into the light where you belong...
But where do you belong?
 Under the clean moon
For so many years I've wondered who you are
How could a person like you bring me joy?
Under the pale moon
Where I see a lot of stars
Ooooo Is enough, enough
 I saw the sign and it opened up my eyes
I saw the sign
Life is demanding without understanding
I saw the si-ign and it opened up my eyes
I saw the sign
No one's gonna drag you up to get into the light where you belong...
But where do you belong?
Oh!Oh, oh, oh
 I saw the sign and it opened up my mind!
And I am happy now living without you
I've left you, oh-oh-OH!
I saw the sign and it opened up my eyes I saw the sign
No one's gonna drag you up to get into the light where you belong
 Ah, Ace of Base.  How I loved you at, like, age 9.  
Oh, this post is the last of the Maine photos!  That is, until I go again.
In the meantime, expect some New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Maryland and Florida.
Because they are all definite places in my near future!

Just a reminder- please cast your vote about the future content of my etsy store. The poll is in the sidebar.  Thank you!!!
Readfield, Maine, USA

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Friday, December 17, 2010

Inspiration Fridays: Ballet

I am a dancer.  
I have been saying that I used to be a dancer... I stopped, basically, when I got to college because I was focusing on other things, and was hurt.
 But working on this show has convinced me that I need to begin taking classes again as soon as possible.  It's a part of me, it's who I am.
I love dance.  It feels like breathing.
That gorgeous moment of lift when you hit a perfect pose in your pointe shoes- there is nothing like it in the world.  Freedom.  The lights are on you, you look beautiful, and you have risen above the clouds.
Ballet feels like pure ecstasy.  Nothing I have ever pursued; acting, singing, photography, nothing has ever made me as happy as I am when I do ballet.   If I thought I could have made a career of it, I would have done so in a heartbeat.  I still would.  But, I'm nowhere near good enough.  And I am definitely nowhere near skinny enough.
Not that there aren't difficult moments- sometimes I have wanted to throw my shoes across the room.  However, I've come to the conclustion that the good outweigh the bad.  I love ballet.  I love dance.
I want to say that I am a dancer again, but in my heart, I never stopped dancing.

It doesn't just inspire me- it defines me.

All photos lovinly ripped from Google Images.
Paintings by Edgar Degas.
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Thursday, December 16, 2010

Buoys, Boats and Boots

They all start with B.

You know what else starts with the letter B?  BUY.  The word buy starts with B!  I feel like I'm an old episode of Sesame Street, but just hang with me, I swear this is relevant.  BUY.  Because soon, you will be able to buy my work!  

Yes!  The day you have been waiting for has finally arrived!  I am opening an Etsy store.

So... I originally wrote, as the content of this post, a rant about how no one reads this blog.  In it, I complained and bitched about how my friends don't pay any attention to this page, how so few of them liked it.  In this rant, I was also really upset about how I posted on my Facebook that there was a poll on this page, and only got one response.

And... I totally missed the point.  Those thousand or so friends that don't read this page aren't you.  You are reading this page.  You are one of those magical 50-80 page hits I get per day.  You are one of the people who makes my heart leap as I see my hit counter go up a number, as I watch a little target flash on the map in my sidebar.  You may be one of the 27 amazing Google followers that I have, or the 20 beautiful people who have liked this blog on Facebook.  Even if you aren't one of them, you are here.  I'm thankful for that.  I'm thankful for you.  I do write this blog for my own artistic release, to a point.  But, really, I write it for the occasional comments reminding me that I'm not terrible at my art.  The comments that tell me what I had to say was interesting, or affected someone's day positively. Those little things that take you five seconds make my world. When people leave me a comment and tell me that I've inspired them... I just want to cry tears of joy.  I did once, not going to lie.  Every little page view, poll vote, comment, like and email means the world to me.  So, thank you.  Thank you.  With all of my heart.

By the way, as I said earlier, there is a poll in the sidebar.  Please take a moment to vote and let me know what you'd be most interested to see in my shop. Your feedback is greatly appreciated.  Truly, I mean that.  Thank you!

Pictured: Daniel Garrison and Bill Buck (Two B's!  Mwahahah!)
Readfield, Maine, USA
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